Well, I've been in the UK for almost a week now and it's been fun! It's nice that I've been before and am used to the area, how things go and know what to expect. Also, since I've been before, there are some sights that I don't have to worry about getting to.
We've visited Sandringham Estate, where the Royal Family stays from December to February. Of course, it was gorgeous! They showed us where the Queen sits and watches tv...we couldn't help but wonder what she watches....CSI? Gossip Girl? Grey's Anatomy? Who knows!
This past weekend we traveled to the Windsor area and took Liam to Legoland on Saturday and then went to Windsor Castle on Sunday. There aren't many areas inside the castle that are open to the public except the State apartments. The line to go through this area was so long and since I had bought a book about the castle, we decided to skip the inside. Perhaps I'll check this out another time when there aren't so many people there. We had gorgeous weather (for a FL girl), but it was quite warm for the Brits. I enjoyed our stay in the Holiday Inn Saturday night. (They had 1. air conditioning and 2. AWESOME WATER PRESSURE!). You all know I love my sister and I love visiting her, but the "rain shower" showerhead with no pressure drives me nuts!! I know I'm spoiled to a point, but wow!
This week is Liam's last week of school. He goes to school 2 days for 1/2 the day and then all day on Friday. We've managed to run out on short excursions between taking Mike to work, Liam to school, picking Liam up from school and picking Mike up from work. Mel definitely spends more time burning up the country roads of England than doing anything for herself!!!
I still have 10 days before I meet up with DJ. We're still trying to decide our exact itinerary, as we have tweaked it on more than one occasion, which is fine with me. I do believe we have our hotels booked for Amsterdam, Bordeaux and Rome. That leaves us with hotels in Paris and Venice to book. Also, I have tours picked out in the cities we'll be visiting, so I'm waiting to book those one we know for sure when we'll be where.
Until next time.....
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